Mercari Advent Calendar 2021 is coming up!

Hello! I’m @afroscript of the Mercari Engineering Office.

We have our annual Advent Calendar event in December every year and we’ll be hosting it again this year!

We have both Mercari and Merpay Advent Calendar at the same time.

Merpay Advent Calendar 2021 is here

What is the Advent Calendar?

The original meaning of Advent Calendar is "a calendar that counts down to Christmas". Based on this custom, Advent Calendar is a public blogging event where people post a blog every day from December 1 to 25.

We’ll be sharing our knowledge of the technologies used by our engineers at Mercari group. We hope this Advent Calendar will help you to enjoy the days leading up to Christmas.

Past Advent Calendar

Open Table.

This is a collection of links to each article. I recommend bookmarking it because it will be updated as needed and is very useful if you want to check it out at a later date.

Date Theme / Title Author
12/1 Why is metadata important? @gancim
12/2 CI/CD Metrics with GSM Framework @y-kazama
12/3 Systems Thinking for Engineering @darren
12/4 Interviewing and Onboarding at Mercari From Overseas With an 8 hour Time Difference @aymeric
12/5 entを使った省エネバックエンド開発 @akkie
12/6 評価の満足度を劇的にあげた秘訣。Continuous Feedbackのすすめ @thiroi
12/7 Assisting Customer Support Agents by Providing Suggestions for Reply Templates @prashant
12/8 Mercari HACK WEEKのつくり方 @afroscript
12/9 メルカリWeb版のPull Request環境の構築方法について @urahiroshi
12/10 How is Security Testing Different from Typical Software Testing? @gloria
12/11 Effective abstraction in a modern React project @gary
12/12 Bazel Remote Execution for iOS Builds with Apple Silicon @thi
12/13 JetFire – Validation Platform for ML models on mobile devices @Rakesh_kumar
12/14 How to do QA for Merwork @tettan
12/15 Accessibility Testing 101 @sahil505
12/16 Mercari’s Opensource Supporter Project @lestrrat
12/17 インターン生がメルカリのデータマイグレーションを経験する @torichan
12/18 XState + Apollo Clientでフロントエンドのステート管理 @sota
12/19 PubSub/Redisを用いたGoによるスケーラブルなworkerの構築 @narusim
12/20 M1 Macとビルド時間とそれからメルカリAndroidアプリ @kuu/sushi
12/21 自作して学ぶKubernetes Scheduler @sanposhiho
12/22 メルカリレンズβ WebAssembly × AIのプロダクト開発 @tkato
12/23 Migrating a monolithic service under the bed – Part1 Part2 Part3 @greg.weng
12/24 (Career) Change is the only constant @kaustubh
12/25 メルカリCTO/VP/Directorsがふりかえる2021年 ~パーソナライゼーション強化、グループ横断でのインシデント対応、D&I推進 ~ Mercari JP engineering board members

Please bookmark this article and check it out when you want to read it or follow the official Mercari Developers Twitter @MercariDev so you can be aware of article publication notifications!

We’re looking forward to bringing you some interesting technology stories in the last month of 2021! I hope you’re looking forward to the Advent Calendar!

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