「mercari R4D」は、ARスマートグラスに最適化したフリマアプリ「メルカリ」(以下、「メルカリ」)の類似商品検索アプリ「Mercari Lens」のβ版をVuzix Corporationが提供するVuzix App Storeに公開しました。

「Mercari Lens」の概要
Vuzix Bladeをお持ちの方は、以下のVuzix App StoreでMercari Lensをインストールして、是非お試しください。
Mercari Lens BETA
AWE USA 2019に出展します
2019年5月29日(水)から世界最大のARイベント「AWE USA 2019」の展示ブース#731にて、「Mercari Lens」やMagic Leap Oneを使用した衣服の自動採寸、The Looking Glassを使用した購買体験のプロトタイプを展示します。
AWE USA 2019の報告会を開催します
国内最速のAWE USA 2019の報告会となる「AWE USA 2019 Recap at Mercari」を2019年6月10日(月)に開催します。
本イベントは実際に現地に赴いた開発者が、エキスポへの「出展」と、カンファレンスとエキスポの「視察」の両側面から AWE USA 2019 を振り返る報告会です。ARやVR、ウェアラブルにご興味がある方は是非ご参加ください。
AWE USA 2019 Recap at Mercari
「mercari R4D」では、今後もAIやXR(AR、VR、MR)、宇宙事業など、広く研究開発を進め、先進テクノロジーへの積極的・永続的な投資を続けてまいります。
Vuzix Blade®とは
カメラと光学シースルーディスプレイを持った屋内外用コンシューマー向けARスマートグラスです。CES 2019にてInnovations Awardを獲得しています。
Mercari Announces Beta Version of Mercari Lens, an Item Search App Optimized for AR Smart Glasses
Mercari R4D announced that the beta version of Mercari Lens, an item search app for the Mercari marketplace optimized for Smart Glasses, has been officially released on the Vuzix App Store by Vuzix Corporation.
Mercari Lens overview
When you find something you like, just point at it with your index finger to search all listings within Mercari, and display prices and other information. With both privacy and speed in mind, we utilize Edge AI technology* to detect hand gestures and objects, and perform an item category search within the device. Then, a search for similar items is performed in the cloud based on that category, and using only the information from the object detected in the indicated area.
※ A technology that individually processes data at one “edge” (device) without connecting to the cloud.
How the item information is displayed in Smart Glasses (patent filed)
If you own a Vuzix Blade, you can head over to the Vuzix App Store below and install Mercari Lens and try it out.
mercari lens BETA
AWE USA 2019
From May 29th, 2019 (Wed.), we will be in booth #731 at AWE USA 2019, the world’s biggest AR event, showcasing prototypes for new buying experiences with Mercari Lens, automatic measurements using Magic Leap One, and The Looking Glass.
AWE USA 2019 Briefing Session
We will hold a briefing session on June 10th, 2019 (Mon.) called AWE USA 2019 Recap at Mercari. At this event, some of the developers that took part in the expo will be looking back on AWE USA 2019 from two angles; exhibiting at the expo, and observing the conferences and exhibitions. Feel free to join us if you are interested in AR, VR, or wearable tech.
AWE USA 2019 Recap at Mercari
At Mercari R4D, we will continue our research and development of several fields such as AI, XR (AR, VR, MR), and space research, and will continue to actively and permanently invest in advanced technologies.
Vuzix Blade®
Vuzix Blade is a pair of AR smart glasses for consumers that can be used indoors or outdoors, with a camera and a see-through optical display. It received the CES 2019 Innovations Award.