(English version at the bottom)
こんにちは。メルカリのAutomation & Quality Assuranceグループ(通称:AQA)でぶりぶり自動化をしている@gloriaです。主にiOSアプリの自動化テストを担当しています。
先週、「Mercari AQA Pop Talk #4: The Future of QA & Test Automation」というイベントを開催させていただきました。このイベントは、初めて英語で開催された「AQA POP TALK」で、カリフォルニアのSTARWESTコンファレンスについての話を中心としました。(STARWESTにもっと詳しく説明する記事はこちらにあります)
Session 1: AI Applications in Automation Testing

Session 2: Human Bias and Its Effects on Testing

Session 3: From Agile to DevOps: The Rise of ‘Continuous Testing’

今回のイベントは初めて英語で開催された「AQA POP TALK」なので、とてもフレッシュな感じでした。これからも、もっと多様な人々と繋がるために、英語でのイベントもたくさん開催したいと思います。興味のある方、是非メルカリのMeetupグループをフォローしてください。
English Version

Hello. This is @gloria, an Automation Engineer from Mercari’s Automation & Quality Assurance Group (shortened to AQA). I mostly work on automation for Mercari’s iOS app.
Last week, we hosted an event called “Mercari AQA Pop Talk #4: The Future of QA & Test Automation”. This event was our first event held in English and it featured topics that we learned about at STARWEST conference in California! (please see this blog post for more details about the conference)
At this event, we had three speakers present about three different topics.
Session 1: AI Applications in Automation Testing

Rhomel, an Automation Engineer at Mercari, presented about AI and its applications in Automated Testing. Using technology that he learned about at STARWEST, he demonstrated how AI can be trained to recognize a button and click it without the need of specifying the button’s XPath or element ID. This is a significant step towards creating easily-maintainable automation tests!
Session 2: Human Bias and Its Effects on Testing

Next, Eriko, a QA Engineer at Mercari, presented about the psychology of human bias and how it can negatively affect our work in testing. She spoke about common tendencies such as overconfidence and over-reliance on past experiences when making judgements. She ended her presentation by showing a famous video clip that demonstrates an example human bias and how it can affect our ability to notice small details.
Session 3: From Agile to DevOps: The Rise of ‘Continuous Testing’

Finally, I presented about DevOps and Continuous Testing. AI and DevOps seemed to be the two most common topics at STARWEST conference this year so this topic interested me very much.
This was the first time that we held an AQA POP TALK event in English so it was a very refreshing change. By holding various events in English and Japanese, we hope to reach out to a larger and more diverse audience so please follow our new Meetup group to keep up-to-date with our events!
For more information about STARWEST Conference (English at the bottom):